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Pop Revo 07

Występuje Jens Lekman, Almedahl oraz 17 wykonawców więcej w Studenterhus Århus

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Czwartek 16 Sierpień 2007Sobota 18 Sierpień 2007


Studenterhus Århus
Nordre Ringgade 3, Århus, 8000, Denmark

Tel: +4586183021


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"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter" - Keats

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Something pure, something honest, something beautiful…Pop Revo (short for pop revolution) is based in Århus, Denmark. Our aim is to present music that would otherwise never play here. We are motivated by our sheer passion for music and also by a wish to create and stimulate an underground scene of independent music in Århus. Indie is an expression often used as a statement to ensure credibility and ”cutting edge” in the music industry today, even if it is released on major labels and heavily marketed commercialy. Our arrangements are in opposition to such, because we strive to present bands, who make music out of passion, and who respect the unique expressive element in music and furthermore pay homage to the tradition and history of such a manner. Artists who make their music without having their eyes on making the front page of a certain magazine, scoring a profitable record deal or playing on the main stages at the major summer festivals. You may call it ”punk”. Maybe it is. In fact, if you understand ”punk” as uniform to ”passion” you might have hit the nail on the spot. Regardless what, just as long as you keep loving, as we do, you are a friend of the pop revolution.

Występuje (19)

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