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Kwi 13


Występuje Russel Ferrante, Bob Mintzer oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Jazz At The Bistro

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Środa 13 Kwiecień 2011Sobota 16 Kwiecień 2011


Jazz At The Bistro
3536 Washington Avenue, St Louis, MO, 63103, United States

Tel: (314) 289-4030


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One of the most acclaimed and influential contemporary jazz groups in history, the Yellowjackets’ blend of funk, fusion, and straight-ahead jazz provides for an extremely exciting and energizing experience. With the recent departure of drummer Marcus Baylor, the Yellowjackets have announced the return of William Kennedy to the band.

2 sets each night starting at 8:30 & 10:15 PM
Tickets: Wed/Thu $30, Fri/Sat $35, $15 Students w/ID


Występuje (5)

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