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Lis 12

WOMAD Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2009

Występuje Bibi Tanga, Chiwoniso oraz 21 wykonawców więcej w Parque Santa Catalina

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Czwartek 12 Listopad 2009Niedziela 15 Listopad 2009


Parque Santa Catalina
Parque Santa Catalina, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35007, Spain

Tel: 928 44 60 00


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WOMAD returns to the Canary Islands this November for another weekend of music, arts and dance from around the globe - all in the beautiful beachside city of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.

The venue, as in previous years, will be the Parque de Santa Catalina - a city square close to the centre of Las Palmas, and just 200 metres from the Playa de las Canteras, one of the island's longest and most spectacular beaches.

This year, WOMAD Canarias will feature performances by many artists from around the world eager to share their music with you, DJ sessions, workshops for adults and children alike, plus, a Global Market and the Children's Procession, which will take place on Sunday afternoon.

Występuje (23)

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