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Środa 25 Luty 2009


Khyber Pass Pub
56 S 2nd St, Philadelphia, 19106, United States

Tel: (215) 238-5888


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Girl About Town presents our next music extravaganza at The Khyber on Wednesday, February 25th! We are proud to host four amazing acts:

Folklore is the project of Elf Power's guitarist Jimmy Hughes, with help from Nick Bronson, Andrew Keller, Yianni Kourmadas, and Sam Tremble of Hermit Thrushes and nine other collaborative folks (Chad Arnett, Charlie Biando, Scott Churchman, Avalon Clare, Jason Henn, Cheryl Nguyen). Hughes moved here to Philly after being based in Athens, GA and reformed the band with local musicians. Folklore has two full length albums, the most recent being "Carpenter's Falls" (BumbleBear Records) released this past October. As the band's name suggests, Hughes is a storyteller of epic proportions, weaving tales set to music of a lo-fi moody nature. His concepts set the tone for the entire project, spinning hand-crafted narratives to some rather compelling chamber pop. Folklore's first Philly show as a local band was at the North Star in January (opening for Vic Chestnut and Elf Power), and Girl About Town is very pleased that the band is playing their second Philly show with us.

Hesta Prynn in Civil Shepherd:
Hesta Prynn is one third of Northern State, an all-female hip hop trio originally from Long Island. Hesta has a side project now which brings together some of her talented musician friends - artists like Tim Harrington from Les Savy Fav, Bear Hands, and Eric Gardner of Gnarls Barkley, and is being A&R/curated by Sara Quin (of Tegan and Sara). It's being produced by Chuck Brody (Lykke Li, Santogold) and Jon Siebels (Kenan Bell, Eve 6). It's an electro-rock project which will be officially released later this year. Hesta will be performing in Los Angeles and at SXSW in March and will be playing her official debut with us here at the Khyber. Exciting! If you're not familiar with Hesta or the girls from Northern State, they make some crazy good beats and rhymes, sometime with collaborators Ad Rock of the Beastie Boys, Mike Patton, and JD from Le Tigre. You can read our review of last year's Northern State album here.

Instamatic is a fairly new electro rock four piece which includes Rick from Yah Mos Def and two guys from Crimp Yr Hair. The band uses ten synthesizers, one computer, three PA systems, eight speakers, and one subwoofer to create their frenzied dance music. They are part of the whole Making Time/Pink Skull/Hail Social/Medusa scene and we are excited these guys are playing this show with us. Their last show was at the Barbary with Sweatheart in January, and so we are expecting some art rock weirdness at its finest.

The Lemon Treasures:
The Lemon Treasures are two Elizabeths that make quirky, intimate, homespun ditties full of charm. They have an album out called "Mama Bear" and we know you will love them as much as we do.

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