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Środa 18 Październik 2000


The Garage
490 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3LW, United Kingdom

Tel: 0141 332 1120


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Sadly Porcupine Tree cancelled due to technical difficulties i.e. the stage was too small!!!

However a great night of Dream Theatre tracks including "Pull Me Under", "A Change of Seasons", "Metropolis pt1" and possibly the bizarrest version of "Freebird" witnessed in Glasgow.

set list:-

Laura Palmer's Theme from Twin Peaks
Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper
Overture 1928
Strange Déjà Vu
Fatal Tragedy
The Mirror
War Pigs
Another Day
The Spirit Carries On
Learning to Live
A Change of Seasons
Post Encore Drum Solo including Free Bird

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