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Cze 22

Mannequin Pussy @ the Garage

Z Mannequin Pussy w The Garage

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Sobota 22 Czerwiec 2024 o 19:00


The Garage
20-22 Highbury Corner, London, N5 1RD, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)844-8471678


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Mannequin Pussy will play at The Garage on Saturday 22nd June.

Thursday 20th June at Scala – SOLD OUT

Facebook event.

Mannequin Pussy’s music feels like a resilient and galvanizing shout that demands to be heard. Across four albums, the Philadelphia rock band that consists of Colins “Bear” Regisford (bass, vocals), Kaleen Reading (drums, percussion), Maxine Steen (guitar, synths), and Marisa Dabice (guitar, vocals) has made cathartic tunes about despairing times.

“There’s just so much constantly going on that feels intentionally evil that trying to make something beautiful feels like a radical act ,” says Dabice. “The ethos of this band has always been to bring people together.”

Their latest I Got Heaven, which is out March 1 via Epitaph Records, is the band’s most fully realized LP yet. Over 10 ambitious tracks which abruptly turn from searing punk to inviting pop, the album is deeply concerned with desire, the power in being alone, and how to live in an unfeeling and unkind world. It’s a document of a band doubling down on their unshakable bond to make something furious, thrilling, and wholly alive.

Doors 7:00pm

Tickets £18

The Garage

20-22 Highbury Corner, London, N5 1RD

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