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Cze 22

Fantastic Negrito w/ Hollis Brown

Z Fantastic Negrito oraz Hollis Brown w 9:30 Club

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Środa 22 Czerwiec 2022 o 19:00


9:30 Club
815 V St NW, Washington, DC, 20001, United States

Tel: (202) 265-0930


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Fantastic Negrito’s upcoming album “White Jesus Black Problems” was inspired by learning that his 7th generation grandmother was a Scottish indentured servant who entered into a common law marriage with an African American enslaved man, his 7th generation grandfather, in open defiance of the racist laws of 1750’s colonial Virginia. The resulting work is part love story, part historical excavation, an extraordinary and exhilarating ode to the power of family and the enduring resilience of our shared humanity. The collection is bold and thought provoking, grappling with racism, capitalism, and the very meaning of freedom itself, all without ever losing sight of the desire and determination at the heart of the tale. The performances, meanwhile, are similarly ambitious and emotionally charged, mixing blistering rock and roll grit with infectious R&B grooves and buoyant funk energy to deliver a sound that manages to feel both vintage and experimental all at once. The experience challenges our notions of who we are, where we come from, and, perhaps most importantly, where we’re headed.

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