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Sty 13

›We're Here Because We're Here‹ 10th Anniversary Tour


Z Anathema, Masvidal oraz Rendezvous Point w Gruenspan

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Środa 13 Styczeń 2021 o 20:00


Große Freiheit 58, Hamburg, 22767, Germany

Tel: 040-317 93 483


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Rescheduled from March 20 and September 8, 2020. Finally, the tour has been cancelled. Anathema is going on an indefinite hiatus: https://www.facebook.com/125049763628/posts/10158682760833629/

Anathema announced tour dates, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the album "We're Here Because We're Here".

"We never usually do anniversary tours of particular albums, but in the case of WHBWH, which is the album that began our rebirth, we feel this is something we want to do. What I love about this album and that time in our journey is the life affirming qualities in the music. It’s an album of hope, reflection, of summer, of an intense uplifting emotion." — Daniel Cavanagh

- https://www.facebook.com/125049763628/posts/10157629382508629/
- https://www.facebook.com/125049763628/posts/10158182506303629/

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