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Maj 7

Mr Scruff Keep It Unreal

Z Mr. Scruff w Manchester Band On The Wall

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Sobota 7 Maj 2016 o 22:00


Manchester Band On The Wall
Manchester, United Kingdom

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Kup bilety


Time for Mr. Scruff's monthly residency at Band on the Wall.

As always, Scruff will be at the controls for 5 hours, serving up a melting pot of jazz, soul, hip hop, funk, disco, deep house, reggae, afrobeat, latin, and plenty of goodies that don’t fit into any category.

Expect fantastic sound, a lovely mixed crowd & great atmosphere.

This is a non-mobile disco.

Please don’t use cameras and phones on the dance floor.

We ask this because we want the dancefloor to be a place where everyone can be in the moment. If you’re tweeting, texting, bidding for a pair of socks on eBay or taking a picture of your friends, you’re not only out of the moment, you also might be making it hard for someone else to be in the moment. The bar or balcony is a much better place for this.

Price: £12.00 Advance

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