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Środa 23 Marzec 2016 o 19:30


Allphones Arena
Olympic Blvd, Sydney Olympic Park, 2127, Australia

Tel: (02) 8765 4321


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Hailed as one of the most important hip hop performers of his generation, Compton-native, rapper KENDRICK LAMAR will fly into Australia for two headline arena shows, and a headlining performance at Byron Bay Bluesfest in 2016.

These tantalizing return dates will be the platinum rapper’s first headline shows in Australia since touring on the back of Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City in December 2012 and more recently as special guest on Eminem's Rapture stadium tour last year.

Lamar was nominated in seven categories, including Best New Artist and Album of the Year at the Grammy Awards in 2014. In 2015, at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards, Kendrick won Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance for his track ‘I’’.

Described by Lamar as “honest, fearful and unapologetic,” To Pimp a Butterfly immediately earned rave reviews and topped the Billboard 200 with sales of 325,000 copies within its first week. In Australia the album soon hit gold sales status, propelled by ARIA gold singles ‘King Kunta’ and ‘I’.

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