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Wtorek 25 Listopad 2014


FTC on StageOne
70 Sanford Street, Fairfield, 06824, United States

Tel: 203-319-1404


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Kup bilety


Nth Power

The Nth Power is part soul, part funk, part jazz, and 100% amazing. Creating infectious indie gospel-funk, they define what a modern all-star ensemble is for a new generation. Especially considering the players involved — Dumpstaphunk’s Nikki Glaspie, who was Beyonce’s world-touring drummer for many years; keyboardist and vocalist Nigel Hall of Lettuce, Warren Haynes Band and John Scofield’s Uberjam; bassist Nate Edgar of John Brown’s Body; soul evangelist and guitarist Nick Cassarino of the Jennifer Hartswick Band; and West African djembe master Weedie Braimah of Toubab Krewe.

Heavy Pets

The Heavy Pets are, as Relix Magazine puts it, “a living breathing force of nature.” An all American Rock and Roll band tinged with funk, R&B, Jazz, and Disco. Festival stalwarts, The Pets have made regular appearances at gatherings like Wakarusa, Bonnaroo, Langerado, and their very own PetZoo.

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