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Paź 3


Z Joy Orbison, Evan Baggs oraz LIGHT SOUNDS DARK w The Laundry

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Piątek 3 Październik 2014 o 22:00


The Laundry
2-18 Warburton Rd, (Entrance via Sidworth St), London, E8 3FN, United Kingdom


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TRUST is a party that we'll be throwing from this October onwards, inspired by the idea that when open-minded people get together and feel at ease, the very best of times are never far away.

We think the right way for us to make this happen is to find a room with enough space to dance, bring in a big, warm sound system, turn the lights way down and invite DJs we trust to play tunes alongside a couple of other DJs and artists we admire, all night long.

There won't be any set-times or a strict music policy and for our first one at The Laundry, Joy Orbison and Evan Baggs will play records with Light Sounds Dark from 10pm until about 5am.

We want to keep it feeling loose so all we ask is that you don't mess around with a phone or take pictures on the dance floor.

Otherwise it's anything goes.

Występuje (3)

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2 wybrały się

1 zainteresowana


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