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Gru 22

The Klezmatics: Happy Joyous Hanukkah!

Z The Klezmatics w Walt Disney Concert Hall

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Poniedziałek 22 Grudzień 2014 o 20:00


Walt Disney Concert Hall
111 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, 90012, United States

Tel: (323) 850-2000


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The Klezmatics: Happy Joyous Hanukkah!
Walt Disney Concert Hall

Monday December 22, 8:00 pm

The Klezmatics


About This Performance
The Grammy®-winning Klezmatics’ unique blend of traditional klezmer music with Eastern European, Latin, Celtic, Afro-Caribbean, and folk-flavored music have made them a huge success worldwide for more than 25 years.

For tickets and information visit: LAPhil.com
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