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Paź 25

Rachael Dadd, Rozi Plain, Emma Gatrill


Z Rachael Dadd, Emma Gatrill oraz Rozi Plain w House Concerts - York

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Sobota 25 Październik 2014 o 20:30


House Concerts - York
United Kingdom

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A brilliant triple bill with full band!

With a string of releases on Broken Sound (UK), Sweetdreams Press and Angel’s Egg (Japan) and support from DJs on Radio 1, Radio 2, Xfm, and 6 Music, experimental folk multi-instrumentalist Rachael Dadd is preparing to release her strongest and most impacting body of work into the public sphere. Two years in the making 'We Resonate' is an uplifting celebration of life and by far her most collaborative.

It sees Rachael joined by Laura Marling’s sideman Marcus Hamblet, experimental Japanese multi-instrumentalist ICHI, Alessi Laurent-Marke of Alessi’s Ark, Rozi Plain, Emma Gatrill of Sons of Noel and Adrian, and Thomas Heather of Woodpecker Wooliams.

“An artist destined to define the genre” - The Line Of Best Fit

“brilliant singer songwriter…cogent and thought provoking” - Lauren Laverne

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