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Lip 15

Theo Parrish (Rare live show)

Z Theo Parrish, Akwasi Mensah oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w The Ritz

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Wtorek 15 Lipiec 2014 o 19:00


The Ritz
Whitworth Street West, Manchester, M1 5NQ, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 236 3234


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In association with Soundcrash and Red Bull Music Academy, Band on the Wall are thrilled to present an extra special live show from Detroit-based musician, producer and selecter, Theo Parrish at The Ritz!

The word legend is overused. Theo Parrish is a legend in the full meaning of the word. Over the past two decades he has come to be regarded as a true great in electronic and soul music. A graduate of the Detroit underground, Theo is famed for his own seamlessly genre-hopping productions as well as for his impeccable and inscrutable skills as a music selector, with sets swerving dangerously between house, funk, disco and techno and more.
Theo, whose organic-sounding machine-based dance music incorporates live instruments, human voices and looped recordings, returns to the live arena with full band for the first time in 10 years. The line-up features soul/funk singer songwriter Amp Fiddler (keys), Akwasi Mensah (bass), Duminie DePorres (electric guitar) and Myele Manzanza (drums) alongside Parrish on beats and keys. They will be revisiting Sound Signature classics old and new.
His show at the Barbican sold out in only 6 days so be quick!

Price: £12.00 earlybird / £14.00 advance
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