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Kwi 12

Dirty Dutch presents Chuckie

Z Chuckie, Alex Bartlett oraz 6 wykonawców więcej w Building Six

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Sobota 12 Kwiecień 2014 o 22:00


Building Six
London, United Kingdom

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Dirty Dutch presents Chuckie
Saturday 12th April 2014
10pm to 6am

+++Please note venue change+++

South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, London SW8 1UQ

Danny Howard
Audio Society & Skyhigh
Social Circles with Kicker
Joe Langenham,
Floor 4 & Alex Bartlett
+more TBA

Flying the flag for the Dutch electronic music scene on a global scale, it’s hard to put into words just how influential Chuckie has been in his ascent. Consistently thinking outside of the box when on the decks and obsessively putting in the work when in the studio, he is firmly established as one of the biggest players. He’ll be flying over the sounds of Dirty Dutch for a very special showcase in the intimate surrounding of Fire this month.

Crossing the boundaries between various genres, Chuckie has put his distinctive stamp in clubs and is an innovator in building an eclectic sounding dancefloor. Refusing to be categorised to just one- his distinctive blend of house and hip hop has given him an edge that puts him on a pedestal above his piers.

Dirty Dutch has built up a reputation in all of the world’s key electronic music hubs as a trendsetter that’s revolutionised clubs worldwide. Continuously pushing the limits with its’ music and events Chuckie has rustled up a selection of DJs that will get the dancefloor at Fire booming.

Needing no introduction Radio 1s Danny Howard will play alongside Kiss FM’s, with Audio Society and Skyhigh in support. If that wasn’t enough Chuckie has called on some of the finest in established and emerging talent for room .

Advanced Tickets: 15 to £25 + bf

In association with Mixcloud.

Terms and Conditions: http://londonwarehouseevents.co.uk/terms-conditions/

Any questions please email : info@londonwarehouseevents.co.uk

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