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Kwi 26

Monster Jam

Z Monster Jam w Frank Erwin Center

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Sobota 26 Kwiecień 2014 o 19:00


Frank Erwin Center
1701 Red River, Austin, 78701, United States

Tel: (512) 471-7744


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Feld Motor Sports® will bring Monster Jam® presented by Metro PCS and Wolverine & Academy Sports and Outdoors to the Frank Erwin Center for the first time ever Saturday & Sunday, April 26 & 27. Approximately 12 feet tall and about 12 feet wide, Monster Jam trucks are custom-designed machines that sit atop 66-inch-tall tires and weigh a minimum of 10,000 pounds. Built for short, high-powered bursts of speed, Monster Jam trucks generate 1,500 to 2,000 horsepower and are capable of speeds of up to 100 miles per hour. For more information about Monster Jam, visit www.MonsterJam.com.

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