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Mar 14

W Highline Ballroom

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Piątek 14 Marzec 2014 o 20:00


Highline Ballroom
431 West 16th Street, New York, 10011, United States

Tel: (212) 414-5994


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Dana Fuchs is a phenomenon, a singer whose mesmerizing voice and presence has led critics to compare her to rock legends from Janis to Jagger. Dana’s portrayal of “Sadie” in the highly acclaimed Sony Pictures film, Beatles musical, Across The Universe, has exposed her considerable talents to a wide, international audience. Raised in a rural town in the swamps of Florida surrounded by soul, funk, rock and country, she was singing every Sunday in a small black Baptist choir by age 12. At 19, she headed north to New York to "sing the blues" alone and broke, ending up down and out on NYC's Lower East Side where she worked her way up through New York City’s gritty club scene, combining her deep southern music roots with her sometimes dark but always soulful stories of lost, ambivalent, and misplaced love. Her sold out NYC club shows led to Dana being cast as Janis Joplin in the hit off-Broadway musical show Love, Janis. The show led to her discovery by renowned director Julie Taymor, who cast her in Across the Universe.

Dana is currently on a world tour in support of her latest album Bliss Avenue released in July 2013. Henry Yates of Classic Rock Magazine UK has this to say in the Bliss Avenue press release:

"All Dana Fuchs has to do is sing. All it takes is one note from those celebrated lips and clocks stop, crowds snap to attention, hearts beat like bass drums and neck-hair tingles. It’s often been said that the Florida-born front-woman could

sing the phone directory and still hold her listeners spellbound. True enough, but in 2013, when Dana applies that extraordinary voice to the classic songs from third album Bliss Avenue, you’ll realise that you’re in the presence of once-a- generation greatness."

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