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Niedziela 16 Luty 2014 o 19:30


Hare and Hounds
High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7JZ, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)121-4442081


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Birmingham Promoters present:
£7adv• Doors 7.30pm • Ages 18 +


Ezra Furman

Following hot on the heels of the first CD release of his solo debut ‘The Year of No Returning’, Oakland resident Ezra Furman is issuing ‘Day Of the Dog’, his second solo effort after a fruitful five year/four album stint leading Boston’s Harpoons. ‘Day Of the Dog’ was recorded at Studio Ballistico in Chicago, engineered and produced by Tim Sandusky and was released by the venerable Bar/None label on October 8th.

‘Day of the Dog’ sees Furman progressing from the dark chamber-pop and gorgeous balladry of his solo debut and emerging as a stylish, technicolor, pulse-quickening rock provocateur conjuring an intriguing selection of iconic vintage styles. Throughout the album, there is a sense of bold ambition and grand artistry in the tradition of songwriting giants of the past, but set apart by an undercurrent of deranged, ragged glory.

Songs like ‘My Zero’ and ‘Been So Strange’ take the broad-stroke tunefulness 80’s heartland rock, strip off the gloss, deconstruct it, and reassemble it along unsettling and far more potent lines. Meanwhile, the title track evokes the shock therapy of John Lennon’s initial harrowing post-Beatles albums – stark piano chords reverberating over massive but minimalist drums. Through it all, Ezra sings in a uniquely stylized yet powerful voice that alternates between odd, tremulous beauty and startling, guttural viscerality.


The So So Glos

A So So Glo can be defined as 'a post modern narcissist who's devotion to ones ego surpasses their devotion to any social, political or moral cause. A so so glo is an apathetic, pleasure seeking individual who always looks his/her best. A so so glo usually lives with a feeling of "impending doom" or a sort of apocalyptic nihilism.'

The So So Glos are rock n roll band of brothers from Brooklyn, New York who formed in 2007- a band that has taken their own 21st century slang term and re-appropriated it to define themselves. The band has said that they call themselves by the street term as incentive to combat this type of behavior.

"Their songs are compact, fierce, traditionalist rants reminiscent of The Clash." - BBC Music


Midnight Bonfires

Conceived in Birmingham, UK, Midnight Bonfires are a five-piece band who fuse folk tinged sensitivity with rock and roll energy. Influences range from classic artists such as Bob Dylan and The Beatles to more contemporary artists including The Dead Weather and The Strokes.

Since releasing début single Misbehave in late 2011 and a five track self-titled EP a year later, the band have had the pleasure of sharing stages with Jamie Cullum, Cosmo Jarvis, Keston Cobblers Club, The Moons and The Beards.

Towards the end of 2013, Midnight Bonfires were working on a string of new singles at The Motor Museum studio in Liverpool, with producer Al Groves. With the first release ‘Someone Else’ having come out in December, the band are looking forward to putting out more new music in the coming months.

“Somewhere between The Shins and Bon Iver. Great vocal harmonies…it’s tough, not wishy-washy” – Jamie Cullum, BBC Radio 2

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