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Niedziela 15 Grudzień 2013


FTC on StageOne
70 Sanford Street, Fairfield, 06824, United States

Tel: 203-319-1404


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British singer songwriter Teddy Thompson is a one two punch, pulling you in with melody and surprising you with dark, candid lyrics. Says Thompson, "it’s very English, very sarcastic, self-deprecating, In one way, that’s just how my songs come out; in another way, that’s my favorite style: a pretty melody with a twist.” His sardonic wit is mixed well with a Nashville vibe, making him and interesting and fitting successor to his parents, folk - rock legends Richard and Linda Thompson. Raised on country, Teddy Thompson gravitating to the bite of classic songs by Elvis, Roy Orbison, and Chuck Berry. Lyrically he's all about a turn of phrase; the more you listen the more you'll find.

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