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Czwartek 3 Styczeń 2013 o 20:00


Enmore Theatre
130 Enmore Rd, Enmore, 2042, Australia

Tel: (02) 9550 3666


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Mistletone, triple j and Street Press Australia present Beach House, returning to Australia in the wake of their majestic fourth album Bloom.

Already starring in many “best albums of 2012” lists, Bloom is the fourth album by Beach House, a/k/a Baltimore duo Alex Scally and Victoria Legrand. A sublime experience matched only by the intensity of Beach House’s stunning live show, Bloom offers a singular, unified vision of the world. The album transcends the banality of simple emotions to arrive at a realm of honesty and complexity, and soberly reveals how frightening and temporary, yet beautiful, our existence is.

The devotion of Beach House’s growing community of listeners has deepened with each album (Beach House: 2006, Devotion: 2008 and Teen Dream: 2010, all released locally on Mistletone Records). The heady atmosphere of Beach House’s performance, coupled with the power of Victoria Legrand’s incredible voice, make every Beach House concert a swoon-inducing shared space, laden with romance and heightened emotions.

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