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Maj 18


Z Pangea, Blue Jungle oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w The Blue Star

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Piątek 18 Maj 2012 o 20:00


The Blue Star
2200 E. 15th St., Los Angeles, CA, 90021, United States

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On May 17, 2011, GET BENT launched with its first post, and we’ve been barreling ahead ever since. To celebrate the occasion, we’re excited to announce the first in what we hope will be a long line of GET BENT BIRTHDAY BASHES!

California has it comin’. We’re teaming up with KXLU Los Angeles 88.9fm to bring you a sampling of some of our favorite West Coast bands. Pangea, King Lollipop, Blue Jungle, and Shark Toys (with staffer Daniel on guitar!) will be joined by new GB member and KXLU DJ Mukta, pumping the jams. But wait, there’s more! A very special guest will make a late night appearance, and we’ll guarantee those panties will get reeaalll wet. Can’t tell you who, only way to cure that blue box is to go and find out.


Check out our other birthday bashes at http://getbent.fm/post/22561692918/get-bent-turns-one.

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