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Czwartek 1 Marzec 2012 o 20:00


Goodgod Small Club
53–55 Liverpool St, Sydney, 2000, Australia

Tel: (02) 8084 0587


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The return of the UK’s Slow Club to Australia in February 2012 is without doubt set to be one of the musical highlights of the summer.

Rebecca Taylor and Charles Watson have been friends and partners in rock for almost ten year. Their first full-length album Yeah, So was a musical gem with Pitchfork describing how the “Sheffield boy-girl duo nail precious, vulnerable feelings over the course of their sweet (but not twee or saccharine) indie pop debut”.

This year, Slow Club released Paradise an album both swooning and raucous – a take on doo-wop with a frazzled, fragile representation of soul inspired rock. Paradise is certainly a product of a band whose members divide their obsessions between Destiny’s Child and Noise-pop. And Slow Club live is as much of a delight as is Slow Club on record. We implore you, do not miss Slow Club when they return to Australia this summer.

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