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Niedziela 31 Lipiec 2011


Cherry Bar
AC/DC Lane, Melbourne, 3000, Australia

Tel: 03 9639 8122


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Mark Lanegan, the gravel voiced former lead singer for the Screaming Trees & part time front man with Queens of the Stone Age has announced a special one off intimate show at Melbourne’s home of rock n roll, Cherry Bar.

With a musical career spawning from the early Seattle ‘grunge’ days, Mark Lanegan has shared the stage with artists such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. Throughout the nineties and after the demise of Screaming Trees, Mark Lanegan worked solidly on his solo efforts, first with glorious debut The Winding Sheet which featured a haunting version of Leadbelly’s ‘Where Did You Sleep Last Night?’ as well as ‘Down In The Dark,’ in which Kurt Cobain supplied backing vocals.

Focussing more recently on solo efforts his recent solo album, Bubblegum, featured contributions from PJ Harvey, Queens Of The Stone Age’s Josh Homme and Nick Oliveri, Dean Ween of Ween and Guns ‘n’ Roses’ Duff McKagan and Izzy Stradlin.

Tickets are available from Cherry Bar for $40.

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