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Lis 4

Sun Glitters at Intersoup

Z Sun Glitters oraz 1000names w Intersoup

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Piątek 4 Listopad 2011 o 22:00


Schliemannstr. 31, Berlin, 10437, Germany

Tel: 0162 6941825


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Sun Glitters | an ocean of lush melodies, pitch-shifted vocal samples, ghostly digi-diva choirs, warm bass melodies driven by alternately dense and relaxing beatwork combinations between downtempo and wonky beats.

Casio Blaster (1000 Names) | Casio Blaster and 99 Mistakes are what make up the Sofia, Bulgaria based broken beat instrumental hip-hop group 1000 Names. They’ve been around for a minute, making connections through like-minded myspace producers and J Dilla disciples.

Nikoleta Naydenova, otherwise known as Nika graduated stage design at the National Academy of Art in Bulgaria. One of her passions is to experiment with various visual channels of expression within theater but her latest obsession is with software for controlling music and visuals in real time. Now that Nika has recently moved to Berlin you might bump into her at a party creating visuals or walking around the markets and second hand shops…

Nika will be performing live during the dj set of Casio Blaster(1000names).

Sun Glitters

1000 names


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