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Maj 9

Richard Herring - Christ On A Bike: The Second Coming at the Lemon Tree

Z Richard Herring w Lemon Tree

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Poniedziałek 9 Maj 2011 o 19:30


Lemon Tree
5 West North Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5AT, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)1224-642230


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“Jesus was cool, it's just all the people who follow him who are such idiots. He's like the Fonz in that respect.” Hitler Moustache star and avowed atheist resurrects and revamps his first and favourite solo show, exploring his strange obsession and affinity with the Messiah. “I’m not saying I am Jesus…. that is for other people to say.” Asking all the great theological questions like “Why did Jesus always call Simon “Peter”? Is it like the way Trigger always calling Rodney “Dave”?”

“Hilarious. Makes the bible something of a comedy classic” The Guardian

“The best comic of his generation” GQ

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