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Maj 1

Levi’s Craft of Music

Z Martyna Baker, Delphic oraz 6 wykonawców więcej w Proud Camden

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Niedziela 1 Maj 2011 o 14:00


Proud Camden
The Horse Hospital, The Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AH, United Kingdom

Tel: 02074823867


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Levi’s Craft of Music will bring intimate performances and Q+A sessions from a diverse range of unique musical talent. At the Crawl, The Craft of Music will create the chance to experience some of music’s most exciting artists as up close as you can get at Proud Galleries. Be sure to get down to there to witness these rare and intimate performances on Sunday 1st May:

2:00pm – Martyna Baker
3:00pm – Ghostpoet & Rox
4:00pm – Dutch Uncles
5:00pm – Marques Toliver
8:00pm - The Phantom Band
9:30pm - Graham Coxon
11:00pm - 4:00am - Housse De Racket (live) Delphic DJs & Clash DJs

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