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Wtorek 8 Luty 2011 o 21:00


123 Pleasant Street
123 Pleasant Street, Morgantown WV, 26505, United States

Tel: (304) 292-0800


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We have the opportunity to bring Long Island's Small Black here right before their tour with Cults so we're jumping all aboard that train.

Small Black - http://www.myspace.com/smallblacksounds

Small Black is Josh Kolenik and Ryan Heyner (since expanded to incorporate Juan Pieczanski and Jeff Curtin). They call Long Island home. They have been known to waste away wet weekends in front of the Kevin Costner sci-fi flop Waterworld. And when they weren’t slumped in front of the box, samplers and keyboards were tinkered with. The results, seven tracks of fuzzy, foggy, fantastic synth-pop-through-a-mangle, are collected here as a debut release that will (probably) not, in no particular order: make the pair stars beyond their state; make them money enough to drop whatever jobs they show up at when necessity calls; or spawn a series of imitators taking the sound into the commercial sphere. It’s too rough, too raucous despite an innate delicacy, for that sort of future. But, then, the future has no place in Small Black’s world – they write for the moment, and it’s this immediacy that ensnares in a single sitting.


From NYC come The So So Glos. These dudes started the Market Hotel musicians' collective/venue & the Shea Stadium Venue in Brooklyn, NY.

stereogum wrote:
"If you live in New York, especially Brooklyn, you’ve probably caught The So So Glos at a house party or at the Market Hotel or Shea Stadium. The foursome lived in and helped build the two Brooklyn venues, which gives you some idea of the spirit, if not the sound of the band. Their short, fast songs are jangling but melodic. They make firecrackers, and are firecrackers — their bio mentions that singer Alex Levine had his jaw wired shut after an inter-band fight. But they also come off as likable and goofy in their recent tour diary for Paper Magazine."


We probably wont get the chance to have either of these guys back. So make it out, damnit.

Our very own David Bello!!!!:


Doors @ 9 || Show @ 10

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