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Środa 2 Marzec 2011 o 19:30


Queen Elizabeth Hall
Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London, SE1 8XX, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7960 4200


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Mulatu Astatke's 1970's ethio-jazz records are revered around the world by jazz, funk and African record collectors - some of them selling for in excess of £2,000 at auction. In 2005 Jim Jarmusch used his music as the backdrop for his film, Broken Flowers, introducing Astatke to a wider audience. Nas and Damian Marley used one of his tracks as the soundbed for their recent As We Enter chart hit and he has also been sampled by other acts such as K'Naan.

Astatke recently collaborated with UK based group The Heliocentrics for a widely acclaimed project on the Strut Inspiration Information series of albums. It has since gone on to be their biggest seller.

For over 40 years Mulatu Astatke has been at the forefront of Ethiopian music. He now moves forward to the next chapter.

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