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Lis 8

XFM Xposure Live presents El Guincho

Z Darkstar, Dels oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w London Barfly

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Poniedziałek 8 Listopad 2010 o 19:30


London Barfly
49 Chalk Farm Rd, London, NW1 8AN, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)20-76914246


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So we can't announce the full line up for this show yet but it's going to be big, one of the biggest line ups XFM Xposure has brought you this year. Get your tickets now and I assure you wont be left unhappy. This bill will just get better and better, until then check out Darkstar who are amazing.

Darkstar in 2010 are an upgraded model of the Darkstar which released the much lauded single ‘Aidy’s Girl is A Computer’ at the end of 2009. That song and previous single ‘Need you’ / ‘Squeeze my lime’ were extremely well received and set the band apart from the dubstep scene they grew out of hinting at a nascent song writing talent and a mastery of oozing synth drones.

The synths remain, but since then, the band have adjusted their focus, and added a lead singer James Buttery to the production and writing team of James Young and Aiden Whalley.

Their debut album 'North' is a brave, low-key pop masterpiece, which discards with the cheap thrills and treadmill ideas that many deploy to access success. Instead, 'North' will creep up on you with each listen, seducing you with achingly gorgeous, synthesized song writing.

As their first long player, Darkstar have produced an album many bands with many more releases and experience under their belt can only dream of. Elegant, downbeat, breezy, sometimes melancholy and bleak, sometimes optimistic, 'North' will surprise many, a classic record for short days and long nights, what is more, their live show and it’s groundbreaking presentation is currently in its early stages but gathering momentum fast.

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