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Czwartek 22 Kwiecień 2010 o 20:00


La Kueva 2.0
39-31 Queens Boulevard, Sunnyside, NY, 11104, United States

Tel: 1 (718) 786-8490


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Kup bilety


I/O:QNS showcases the best new and established chip musicians in the scene.

Chip music is, quite simply, music made using computer chips in vintage computers, keyboards, and video games. While most music today is in one form or another produced, recorded, or created with the help of a computer, chip music (in its purest form) differs in that it is created entirely using only the sounds generated by computer chips. Chip musicians craft songs out of beeps, boops, and static noise by 'programming' these sounds into meaningful compositions, with all the inherent limitations and charm of the primitive computers this music is created on: Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo NES, Commodore64, Casio PT-10, PC-DOS, etc.

Chip music is electronic but not necessarily dance or techno; chip musicians use the medium to create songs in styles as varied as folk, country, samba, reggae, industrial, ambient, and many other genres, including rock, jazz and pop.

A key component of modern chip music is the live performance. Some performers play guitar or drums or banjo, melodica, etc to complement their compositions. Chip music songs may be pre-programmed, but arranged on-the-fly when played live, so that no two performances are ever the same.

To complement the music, a visual artist ("visualist") projects moving graphics generated from modified computers and game consoles on a screen, in time to the music, effectively creating a visual representation of the music and completing the 8-bit, lo-fi effect. The combination of a chip musicians' stage presence and improvisation, the flashing lights, patterns, and raw sound waves amplified through a club's sound system, defies audiences' expectations of quiet "nerd-rock", instead creating an intense audio/visual assault that has to be experienced to be believed.

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La Kueva 2.0 • http://www.lakueva.com
39–31 Queens Boulevard
Sunnyside, New York 11104
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$8 • 21+
One free drink with entry
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