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Lut 2

Transatlantic Sessions

Z Sara Watkins, Bruce Molsky oraz 13 wykonawców więcej w The Bridgewater Hall

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Wtorek 2 Luty 2010 o 19:30


The Bridgewater Hall
Lower Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3WS, United Kingdom


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Long established among the jewels in the crown of Glasgow’s Celtic Connections' final weekend, and the fastest annual sellouts - even extended over two nights - the Transatlantic Sessions continue to revisit shared roots and forge new common ground between today's finest Celtic and Americana musicians. This year's show will be on the road for the first time around the United Kingdom and keeps a winning formula fresh, with an adroit balance between old hands at the format - both on stage and in the ongoing BBC TV version - and new faces.

Występuje (15)

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