Spotifyから再生中 YouTubeから再生中
YouTube video にジャンプ


Spotify 経由で Scrobble しているお客様へ

Spotify アカウントを アカウントに接続すると Spotify で聞く音楽がすべてScrobble されます。使用するアプリやデバイス、プラットフォームの種類を気にする必要はもうありません。

Spotify に接続


# user.getRecentTracks

Get a list of the recent tracks listened to by this user. Also includes the currently playing track with the nowplaying="true" attribute if the user is currently listening.

# Example URLs

JSON: /2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=rj&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&format=json
XML: /2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=rj&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

# Params

limit (Optional) : The number of results to fetch per page. Defaults to 50. Maximum is 200.
user (Required) : The username to fetch the recent tracks of.
page (Optional) : The page number to fetch. Defaults to first page.
from (Optional) : Beginning timestamp of a range - only display scrobbles after this time, in UNIX timestamp format (integer number of seconds since 00:00:00, January 1st 1970 UTC). This must be in the UTC time zone.
extended (0|1) (Optional) : Includes extended data in each artist, and whether or not the user has loved each track
to (Optional) : End timestamp of a range - only display scrobbles before this time, in UNIX timestamp format (integer number of seconds since 00:00:00, January 1st 1970 UTC). This must be in the UTC time zone.
api_key (Required) : A API key.

# Auth

This service does not require authentication.

# Sample Response

<recenttracks user="RJ" page="1" perPage="10" totalPages="3019">
  <track nowplaying="true">
    <artist mbid="2f9ecbed-27be-40e6-abca-6de49d50299e">Aretha Franklin</artist>
    <name>Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves</name>
    <album mbid=""/>
    <date uts="1213031819">9 Jun 2008, 17:16</date>

# Errors

  • 2 : Invalid service - This service does not exist
  • 3 : Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package
  • 4 : Authentication Failed - You do not have permissions to access the service
  • 5 : Invalid format - This service doesn't exist in that format
  • 6 : Invalid parameters - Your request is missing a required parameter
  • 7 : Invalid resource specified
  • 8 : Operation failed - Something else went wrong
  • 9 : Invalid session key - Please re-authenticate
  • 10 : Invalid API key - You must be granted a valid key by
  • 11 : Service Offline - This service is temporarily offline. Try again later.
  • 13 : Invalid method signature supplied
  • 16 : There was a temporary error processing your request. Please try again
  • 26 : Suspended API key - Access for your account has been suspended, please contact
  • 29 : Rate limit exceeded - Your IP has made too many requests in a short period

API Calls