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21 / male / dumb / Any pronoun idc || My profile is messy but basically i like a lot of weird random music, a lot of metal subgenres and rap the most, and Elton of course :3 || I don't judge anyone's music tastes unless they are being jerks about it (like bullying people for not listening to X music whatever) but i might be annoying or confusing about my own music i listen so if that happens just ignore me or something.

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14 Giu — 20 Giu Last.week
2023 Last.year

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21 / male / dumb / Any pronoun idc || My profile is messy but basically i like a lot of weird random music, a lot of metal subgenres and rap the most, and Elton of course :3 || I don't judge anyone's music tastes unless they are being jerks about it (like bullying people for not listening to X music whatever) but i might be annoying or confusing about my own music i listen so if that happens just ignore me or something.

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