
  • Data di pubblicazione

    4 Dicembre 2017

  • Durata

    12 brani

Original songs composed,performed and produced by Andrea Soru aka TASTE OF DREAM
Andrea Soru: Electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keys, sampler, background and lead vocals
(“How Do You Feel”, “Black Elk Still Speaks” - “Bring The Feeling” - “Sun Is Shining”)
Lynette Carveth: Soprano voice and lyrics ("Sun Is Shining", "Always Miss You")
Henriëtte The Whisperer: Native american flute ("Black Elk Still Speaks", "Words I Seh")
Marco Bianchi: Trumpet and co-composer ("Apoteosi")
Shawna Kirk Hopkins: Vocals ("Electric Elegy")
Simona Pallotta aka Sheeva: Vocals ("Sunlovers")

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