This is a podcast did for the Grunge Cake Mag from NY.
The direct link to download the mp3 is this:
For other info please visit the Railster's Soundcloud page:
Tracklist is:
01) Railster - intro GCC podcast
02) SirOJ - Beat 08
03) Flyamsam - Don't like the screw
04) Exile - Extra funk
05) KenLo - Mush
06) Samiyam & M.O.P. - Untitled
07) Onra - Beef
08) Swede:art - Wonkycarz
09) Samiyam - Asthma 1
10) Computer Jay - Zoom
11) Aeed - Elektricity
12) Phroh Mic - 2000 Won
13) fLako - Inside
14) Railster - Moondog refix 2
15) Mark Pritchard, Om'Mas Keith - Wind It Up
16) Railster - Womanizer re-edit
17) Kappah - Dritta storta
18) Railster - Dierasmus Live Refix
19) Bullion - Get Familiar
20) Unknow - Outro
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