
  • Data di pubblicazione

    3 Gennaio 2010

  • Durata

    7 brani

La Stanza Chiusa is an experimental music's project, born in the late 2006. Cristiano Ghidotti is the only composer and pieces are created in "home recording", by using electric guitar (Fender Stratocaster, Ibanez serie RG), multi-effect pedal keyboard (Boss GT8, Korg AX100G), midi keyboard (M-Audio Keystation 49e) and various samplings.

The seven recorded pieces (it's improper to call them "songs", because they haven't the classical song structure) compose the album "Metamorfosi di uno stato d'animo". Each of them expresses in music a sensation, a frame of mind and his change.

To describe the content of "Metamorfosi di uno stato d'animo" is beyond any reference model, but it's stand to reason (that) the album has been inspired by some experimental music's bands born in the early seventies, just in the progressive rock's period of glory, when the classical song construct gave way to free frame opus, which let the musicians fully express themselves.


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