
  • Data di pubblicazione

    28 Novembre 2011

  • Durata

    10 brani

June 1974 is the solo musical project created by Federico Romano well know in the italian underground artistic scene as writer of :poetry,tales, novels and mastermind of these projects:"Lettere da Antartica","Visions"and "Il Bambino del Mai".
June 1974 is the artist's deep need to express his own immense universe also through music.
June 1974 debut album"Storia" is finally out now!!!
10 songs of pure emotional ambient classic music.
All music and songtitles written by Federico Romano.
June 1974"Storia" tracklist:
Nostalgia Moderna
Son of the Horizon
The suicide of Virginia Woolf
I'll never forget you
Road to perdition
My little sad invisible town
June 1974"Storia" debut album is available now on:
Amazon digital store
"Storia"cover artwork created by Luis Beltrànàn
June 1974 official myspace:

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