
  • Data di pubblicazione

    13 Novembre 2009

  • Durata

    11 brani

Elegante is the trademark of the duo Marco Battistini and Marco Pretolani: composers, musicians and arrangers, they have devoted themselves to the Orchestra project, plunging into the most funky atmospheres of the 70’s sounds, using all the needed musicians and instruments.

Rhythm, groove and orchestra prevail in the project, reminding the well known collections of the English label Kpm, Eumir Deodato, as well as (for the harmonizations) the best italian soundtracks and the arrangements of Piero Piccioni and Tony De Vita.
After two year’s work, in coproduction with Doktor Zoil, their opening album’s title is "It Was Too Hot In There”, a vinyl record with plenty of music carefully executed, a mix of strings, brass, wha guitars and minimoog, an homage to soul, to disco-music, to funk and cinematic.

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