
  • Data di pubblicazione

    13 Settembre 1995

  • Durata

    11 brani

Hi-Fi is a compilation album released by Compulsion in 1995.

Track listing
"Accident Ahead"
"How Do I Breathe?"
"A Little Mistake"
"Yabba Yabba Yes Yes Yes"
"Little Marks"
"Mall Monarchy"
"Pink And Forty-nine"
"Why Do We Care?"
Producer - Ian Caple, tracks: 1-3, 5, 6, 8-11
Producer - Compulsion, tracks 4 & 7
Tracks 8, 10 taken from the first EP (Fabulon Records Flon 1201, 1992)
Tracks 2, 3, 5 taken from the EP Casserole (Fabulon Records Flon 1202, 1993)
Tracks 1, 6, 9, 11 taken from the EP Safety (One Little Indian, 1993)
Tracks 4, 7 taken from the EP Mall Monarchy (One Little Indian, 1994)

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