
  • Data di pubblicazione

    24 Novembre 2010

  • Durata

    12 brani

Andrea Lunardi - Keyboards, Lyrics
Enrico Tiberi - Vocals, Guitars, Bass (EyeHate, Edenshade, Crystal Tear)
Alessio Spallarossa - Drums (Sadist (Ita), The Famili, W.O.P.)

Songs are sung mainly in English except
some parts in Italian (in the songs: True Angel, Love) but lyrics in the booklet
are mainly published in both languages to preserve the original sound (Andrea
Lunardi is an Italian poetry, and has already published 3 books of poetries).
Contains the partecipation of:

Stefano Wosz (Edenshade) in the track Pink Comes Black as a guest vocalist in
the final part

and Fabio (vocalist of the band Nerve) in tracks: Nightmare In Love (Chorus) and
Sceptre (Chorus)

from encyclopaedia metallum

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