ZAILM Atoyanh
Album 16 / MOTHMAN :
All tittles composed & Performed by ZAILM Atoyanh
Except "More High Than The Bridge" Composed by
The members of The removers
Ursull Manchill "On More High…" & "Kryzalyd" : Additional E Bass, arrangements.
Vladimir Lisanovitch On "Prophecy" & "More High…" :
Scratchs,Rytmyk Architextures.
Zailm Atoyanh : Electric Guitar, Guitar midi,Drums ,
Textural guitar, Arrangements.
Jean Renouard On "On More High…": Trumpet.
Arranged By ZAILM Atoyanh & Ursull Manchill.
Masterised by Ursull Manchill At the : 24 BTS Studios Manchill Music.
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