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    5 titres

The Nils first release was a 5 track demo tape simply called Now in 1982. It most certainly got the attention of Los Angeles punk/hardcore label BYO Records who sended them the money to record the now legendary "Scratches and Needles" to be the first track on the line up of their LP compilation called "Something to Believe In" realeased in 1984. ''Now'' has been re-issued on vinyl, coupled with the famous ''Sell Out Young'' Album. ''Now'' being the A side and ''Sell Out Young'' being the B side of this newly released vinyl. You can order it simply by email at

1 In an Instant 1:38
2 The Back Flow 2:14
3 Scratches and Needles 2:50
4 The Gathering 1:50
5 Give Me Time 2:00

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