remaining one of the most ephemere band in the city of Brest FR, The Craters come to be the most striking, exciting and joyful band of the rock’n’roll scene most known for their astonishing and intense live acts as it was captured by their gigantic live at the BEAUCHARD’S CLUB, still in the little city of Brest FR, in January 98.
The Craters : A great Collection of furious Rock’n’Roll Hits !
Diesel Combustible Recordings ..4
His Jeans
Raggawe Chuziznaî
I Put A Spell On Christian
René (I Put A Spell On)
A Spell On José I Put
Exclusive Studio Track
The First 3 Tracks were recorded in octobre 97 on Jean-Loui’s 8-track recorder
Live Tracks recorded "AU BEAUCHART’S" in January 98 on José’s 4-track recorder.
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