
1 - Fei Ge (Flying Song) (version for recorder and orchestra) : Part I - 07:09 /
2 - Fei Ge (Flying Song) (version for recorder and orchestra) : Part II - 06:14 /
3 - Fei Ge (Flying Song) (version for recorder and orchestra) : Part III 05:41 /
4 - Flute Moon (version for recorder and orchestra) : I. Chi Lin's Dance 06:04 /
5 - Flute Moon (version for recorder and orchestra) : II. Flute Moon 12:53 /
6 - Bamboo Flute Concerto (version for recorder and orchestra) : I. Andante grandioso 08:07 /
7 - Bamboo Flute Concerto (version for recorder and orchestra) : II. Adagio cantabile 06:25 /
8 - Bamboo Flute Concerto (version for recorder and orchestra) : III. Finale: Allegretto con gioco 03:51 /
9 - The Ancient Chinese Beauty : I. The Clay Figurines 05:12 /
10 - The Ancient Chinese Beauty : II. The Ancient Totems 04:15 /
11 - The Ancient Chinese Beauty : III. The Dancing Ink 05:31

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