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    14 titres

1. (00:03:24) Lady Gaga - Wonderful
2. (00:03:47) Lady Gaga - Second Time Around
3. (00:04:30) Lady Gaga - Speechless
4. (00:03:03) Lady Gaga - Again Again
5. (00:04:33) Lady Gaga - No Floods
6. (00:04:27) Lady Gaga feat. The Midway State - Don't Give Up (Feat. The Midway State)
7. (00:03:26) Lady Gaga - Fooled Me Again (Honest Eyes)
8. (00:02:56) Lady Gaga - Eh,Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
9. (00:04:05) Lady Gaga - Let Love Down
10. (00:03:49) Lady Gaga - Wish You Were Here
11. (00:04:02) Lady Gaga feat. Michael Bolton - Murder My Heart (Feat. Michael Bolton)
12. (00:04:03) Lady Gaga - Brown Eyes
13. (00:04:41) Lady Gaga - Words
14. (00:03:15) Lady Gaga - Captivated (Bonus Track)

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