

Proposal for an endless anthology of Coil :

1 - Regel
2 - Ravenous
3 - Where Are You
4 - The First Five Minutes After Violent Death
5 - Heartworms
6 - The Anal Staircase
7 - Video Recorder
8 - Teenage Lightning 1
9 - Windowpane (Astral Paddington mix)
10 - Ostia (The Death of Pasolini)
11 - Vanishing Point (Attack of the Sennapods)
12 - 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyl (5-Me0-DMT)
13 - Glowworms Waveforms
14 - Sex with Sun Ra (Part I - Saturnalia)
15 - Are You Shivering

Jean-Baptiste Lenglet, 2009.

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