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    8 titres

All music composed, recorded, mixed and produced by Sacha BESSON and Kevin VILLET

With the participation of :

-Guillaume Gapin : Rhythm Guitar on track 1
-Gaëlle Gosselin : Violin on tracks 1, 5, 6
-Simon Hel : Violin on tracks 2, 3, 12
-Quentin Thomas : Keyboard solo on track 1
-Mathilde Armengaud : Harp on track 3

"A New Dawn" Released in October 2008

Track list :

01 - Let The Journey Begin (5:32)
02 - A Night To Remember (5:13)
03 - Sinister Fate (10:25)
- A Day As The Others…
- Descent Into Hell
- The Grief
04 - My Eternal Sorrow Without You… (2:16)
05 - Crossing Swords (6:10)
06 - Wonders of The Earth (5:40)
07 - Fade Away In Darkness (2:50)
08 - Into The Rhythm of The Drums (5:25)
09 - Gone Beyond Skies (6:31)
10 - Remembrance (1:25)
11 - Unexpected Hope (7:23)
12 - A New Dawn (3:44)

Total playing time 1:02:43

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