
  • Fecha de lanzamiento

    7 enero 2018

  • Duración

    10 temas

Wak is an independent individual project, without a record label. It begins in the year 2017 after 4 years of the separation of the main Band of the Guitarist of Aura Banda from the country of Chile.

After several processes of wanting to frame something only experimental atmosphere and sounds to reach the subconscious and elimination of the "I" in his first album - Perception - He decided to generate a voice to the songs of his second album, being arduous efforts since it is not vocal. The music tries to capture the feelings and sensations that the musician lived during many years of depressive states and dark searches, to generate a pillar for people who go through adverse moments in life and who are not the only ones and who are not alone, in addition to esoteric messages and the search for realization and capture the look of the listener's, the spectator's and the soul's.

Wak is not digestible music by anyone, does not seek the perfect melody for the hearing of all, if not on the contrary, it is for those who want to hear the truth of what lives in afflicted souls ignored by the rest, generating a beautiful dark tone with a discordant melody.

Wak originally from Chile, currently lives in the capital of that country where he does not play due to the Chilean government law that allows only 20% of national music to be heard, therefore the songs are only in English or Spanish with Spanish, only for the discontent towards the government and its law on music.

Generally Wak plays outside of his Country of origin because of the variety of styles abroad and the varied musical capacity existing outside his country.

Wak is a project of 2017 - Present, Music, Lyrics, Videos, Photos, Editing, Arrangements, Recording, Mastering, etc. Everything done in his own house, having no record label or manager has to produce everything alone without the absolute help of anyone, only his friends to hold the camera to record the videos or take photos that he also edits.

The meaning of the name is not an initials, it is the beginning of the word "Wake Up", which means "DESPIERTA" in Spanish.

Previous bands:

Belial Of Seol
- A.R.I.E.T.E.
- Noise Motel
- Aura banda

- Electric Guitar
- Acoustic Guitar
- Electric Bass
- Drums
- Piano
- Synthesizers
- Quartz bowls


- Dani Zuko ( Hip Hop - France )
- Stroman Boyy ( Hip Hop - E.E.U.U. )

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