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Mar 5

Preservation Hall Jazz Band

Con Preservation Hall Jazz Band en The Clark Center

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Viernes 5 de Marzo de 2010 a las 20:00


The Clark Center
Arroyo Grande, CA, United States

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The Preservation Hall Jazz Band has been touring for more than 25 years and consists of musicians who range in age from 31-88 who work to preserve the New Orleans Jazz style. They keep alive the traditions and history of this uniquely American sound with tunes like "Bucket's Got a Hole in It," "Bill Bailey," "Little Liza Jane," "When the Saints Go Marching In" and many more. Hailed as "The best jazz band in the land," the Preservation Hall Jazz Band will present a high energy, crowd-satisfying performance that embodies the joyful, timeless spirit of the New Orleans’ French Quarter at the Clark Center on Friday, March 5 at 8pm. For tickets, call 805-489-9444 or visit

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